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Donate & Help Keep Ticket Prices Low

The Three Hearts Pilgrimage began with a few parents and staff from the St. John Bosco Institute for Boys in oklahoma. it continues to grow and operate through the sacrifices of our families and volunteers. Our goal is to keep costs as low as possible for all participants, especially those with large families wanting to attend.


with the support of the st. placid's foundation, all Donations are tax deductible. St placid's is a non-profit, 501c3 organization dedicated to supporting catholic education and religious vocations. 


Help more people be able to attend and offer their sacrifices by donating for this year's walk!! Tickets are currently priced below the Cost-Per-Pilgrim to attend, our hope is to keep ticket prices as low as possible, so that large families can come together.  The Three Hearts Pilgrimage is supported by the St. Placid's Foundation, a 501c3 non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible. 

Unite with the pilgrims in sacrifice for the sanctity of life and sacredness of the family! We try to keep ticket prices as low as possible to be accessible to large families - even keeping prices below the cost-per-pilgrim to attend. 

This means we rely on donations to provide water, food, campsites, medical equipment, buses, trucks, and many other necessary supplies to safely move thousands of people across 35 rural miles in 48 hours. Any amount helps! 

With the support of the St. Placid's Foundation, all donations are tax deductible. St. Placid's is a non-profit, 501c3 organization dedicated to supporting Catholic eduction and religious vocations. 

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To Donate: 

Please reach out to us here to donate towards the items above. 

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