( For Camp Participants to answer )
"Mistake me not: wonder is no sugary sentimentality but, rather a mighty passion, a species of fear, an awful confrontation of the mystery of things."
- Dr. Dennis Quinn
What do you think the word "wonder" means?
"All those fall afternoons were the same, but I never got used to them. As far as we could see, the miles of copper-red grass were drenched in sunlight that was stronger and fiercer than at any other time of the day. The blond cornfields were red gold, the haystacks turned rosy and threw long shadows. The whole prairie was like the bush that burned with fire and was not consumed. That hour always had the exultation of victory, of triumphant ending, like a hero's death - heroes who died young and gloriously. It was a sudden transfiguration, a lifting-up of day."
- Willa Cather
Describe a memory you have where you experienced feeling a sense of "wonder"?
Applicable to Counselors, Staff, Parents, and Campers: